Autism Screening Assessment


Autism is a neurodevelopmental condition that can influence how a person communicates, interacts socially, and processes sensory information. Children and teens on the autism spectrum may experience challenges in social situations, emotional regulation, and behaviour, but with the right understanding and support, they can flourish.

Our Autism Screening Assessment is designed to gain a deep understanding of your child’s unique needs and strengths. Through a combination of cognitive testing, social responsiveness evaluations and parent-teacher insights, we will explore your child’s communication, social interaction, and behavioural patterns.

The process includes a parent interview, evidence-based assessments, and a detailed report with personalised recommendations. We follow up with a feedback session to help you understand the results and offer compassionate guidance for supporting your child’s growth, both in their personal life and in school.

Cost: $1,575*

Includes: Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children 5th Edition (WISC-V), Social Responsiveness Scale – 2nd Edition (SRS-2), Connors 4th Edition, Report Writing, Feedback and Recommendations.